We need a big flavor


We need a big flavor! Is your Wisconsin 4-H club up to the challenge?

Cedar Crest Ice Cream and the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation have again teamed up to present the Cedar Crest Ice Cream 4-H Flavor Creation Contest.

Wisconsin 4-H clubs are invited to collaborate to imagine a delicious new ice cream flavor, and come up with an interesting flavor name. Each club may submit up to five entries. The contest is open to all Wisconsin 4-H clubs and members.

Five finalists will be selected from all entries received. All finalists will receive a Cedar Crest Ice Cream party for their 4-H club.

But One of those five finalists will be chosen as the grand prize winner.

In addition to an ice cream party, the grand prize winner will also receive a $500 prize for their 4-H club. Best of all, the winning flavor will be produced as a Cedar Crest Ice Cream Feature Flavor for the month of July! The winning flavor will be available in parlors and ice cream scoops shops that serve Cedar Crest Ice Cream.

To participate in the Flavor Creation Content, 4-H Club Leaders may submit your entry (up to 5 entries per club) using the online form linked below, or by downloading the entry form with submission details. Entries are due by November 15.



All 4-H Clubs in the State of Wisconsin are eligible.

What: Wisconsin 4-H clubs are invited to collaborate to imagine a delicious new ice cream flavor, and come up with an interesting flavor name. Each club may submit up to five entries.

When: Entries must be submitted to Cedar Crest Ice Cream no later than November 15, 2024, via online entry form or email.

Flavor Judges are looking for:

  • Fun, unqiue flavor names  
  • Innovative, irresistible flavor combinations
  • Up to 3 inclusions (ie: candy peices, swirls)

We like interesting flavor names and innovative and irresistible combinations!




Some past grand prize winning flavors include: 

Cow Lick: Vanilla ice cream with a cream with a caramel swirl, chocolate coated pretzels, and fudge pieces

Haystack – Vanilla Ice Cream swirled with Caramel fudge and blended with Reese’s Pieces® and Chocolate Coated Peanuts

Superior Shores – Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate Rocks and a Wave of Blueberry and Raspberry Fruit Swirls

Big Muddy – Dark Chocolate flavored Ice Cream with a Caramel Swirl and Brownie Pieces

Udder Delight – Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate-covered Waffle Cone Pieces, Fudge Ribbon and Peanut Butter Cups

Jumping Jersey Cow – Peanut Butter flavored Ice Cream blended with Chocolate-coated Caramel mini cows and swirled with Chocolate Fudge


An ice cream party includes either two 3-gallon tubs of ice cream or certificates for the retail purchase of ice cream equivalent to two 3-gallon tubs. All entries into the Cedar Crest Ice Cream Flavor contest become the sole property of Cedar Crest Ice Cream. Any images, descriptions, photos or other material submitted as part of the contest may be used at the discretion of Cedar Crest Ice Cream and the 4-H Foundation for promotional purposes.